Stanton St. John: Stanton Great Wood: 17th April

Stanton St. John: Stanton Great Wood: 17th April

Stanton St. John: Stanton Great Wood
Cuckoo: One calling in the wood this morning.

David Brown

- Stanton St. John: 30th April
Stanton St. John 2 Coal Tit 12:25. 2 Marsh Tit 12:25. Blackcap: Singing male. 12:25. Stanton St. John: Stanton Great Wood Cuckoo 12:25. David Brown...

- Stanton St. John: 22nd April
Stanton St. John Cuckoo: Calling again in Stanton Great Wood. David Brown...

- Stanton St. John: 21st April
Stanton St. John Cuckoo: One calling in Stanton Great Wood. David Brown...

- Stanton St. John: Stanton Great Wood: 29th May
Stanton St. John: Stanton Great Wood Cuckoo: He's at it again in the great wood from early doors, 04.30 am. David Brown...

- Goingbirding: 16th April
Stanton St. John Cuckoo: One again today moving between Holly Wood and Stanton Great Wood, very vocal. David Brown ...

