Stanton Harcourt/Hardwick 4th January

Stanton Harcourt/Hardwick 4th January

Slavonian Grebe late afternoon on pit 10 (per Bob Hurst).
Pit 10 is to the left of the access track to
West Oxford Sailing Club which is signed off of the
B4449 between Stanton Harcourt and Hardwick.

- Stanton Harcourt/hardwick 22nd January
Great Grey Shrike south of B4449 In scrub adjacent to Pits 3-4 west of access road to West Oxford Sailing Club at 15:08 (per Dave Doherty). Please keep to public footpath....

- Stanton Harcourt 12th December
Great Northern Diver (juv) still Stanton Harcourt in an area with no general access....

- Eynsham 6th October
Belated report of a Crane sighted on the 6th in the evening flying north over B4449  between Eynsham and Stanton Harcourt (per David Mercer)....

- Stanton Harcourt 11th April
Garganey 2 (m&f) Tar Lakes. Take the minor road from Stanton Harcourt to Coggs,to view the first lake on the left before Rushy Common (per SNT)...

- American Wigeon 17th February
American Wigeon (drk) Rushy Common on east side of pool viewable from minor road between Stanton Harcourt & Cogges. + 2 Smew (readheads) (per R.B.A) Rushy Common is off of the minor road between Cogges and Stanton Harcourt. There is currently no public...

