Stanton Harcourt 22nd December

Stanton Harcourt 22nd December

Falcated Duck still on Dix Pit 08:40    (per Pete Roby)

...though no sign at 12:40    (per Badger)

No sign at Vicarage Pit
Rushy Common or Farmoor

- Farmoor - 25th August
                                                 Red-necked Grebe (juvenile). Farmoor 2           ...

- Otmoor 22nd September
Hen Harrier (ringtail) Ashgrave 17:20   Then over the reed beds 17:40 & 18:40                                                ...

- Radley 19th September
No further sign of the Wryneck by early evening.                                                    Stonechat along perimeter...

- Otmoor. Evening.
Shelduck.  (juv.)From the Bridleway.          Marsh Harrier.                                          1 Hobby (per Joe...

- Otmoor 26th February
Bittern (showing on and off from the 2nd screen all morning but no sign in the afternoon by 15:30) White-fronted Goose (on The Closes with the Greylags) Short-eared Owl Peregrine Sparrowhawk                                                       ...

