Standlake Pit 60: 23rd January

Standlake Pit 60: 23rd January

300 Lapwing:
200 Golden Plover
Goldeneye: drk. 14:00.
42 Pintail: at least 40 drakes, plus unidentified number of ducks; with
Sizeable numbers of Gadwall, Teal and Widgeon. 14:00.

(per Steve Akers)

- Dix Pit: 17th January
Dix Pit Goldeneye: m. Extensive views of beautiful Goldeneye Drake. 16:00. 4 Pintail: 2 m; 2f. 16:00. 42 Shoveler 16:00. 2 Teal: pair. 16:00. Steve Akers...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 25th March
No Common Scoters this morning. 2 Teal (drakes) 2 Gadwall (pair) 5 Tufted Ducks (4 drakes) 21 Common Gull 1 Herring Gull Great Crested Grebes displaying (2 pairs) ...

- Radley Lakes 3rd March Pm
Bittern on Orchard Lake 17:19 (per The Early Birder) High numbers of ducks today for some reason, mostly on Thrupp Lake. 243 Wigeon (the highest I've recorded here. Yesterday there were only 30) 114 Tufted Duck (the third highest number I've recorded...

- Standlake Pit 60 19th January
Good numbers of ducks listed below. Counts are approximate as large numbers in dense groups and crowded along shore lines. Teal c 1000 Wigeon 600+ Pintail c 50 Goldeneye 2 (m&f) Ruff 1 Snipe 5 Curlew 1 (isn't this a bit early?) Little egret 1...

- Port Meadow (oct 22nd 1-2pm)
As well as the Lesser Yellowlegs mentioned earlier Golden Plover - 400 Dunlin - 4 Ruff - 2 Large numbers of Wigeon and Teal with some Shovelar. The meadow is looking good, keep checking those ducks and goldies!...

