Standlake: 24th Sept

Standlake: 24th Sept

Jack Snipe 1, south shore pit 60
Water Rail 1, ditto
Snipe 6
Green Sand 1
Goldeneye 1
YL Gull 6
Siskin 5, Redpoll 1
RC Pochard 4, pit 27
Little Egret 1

Record shot of Jack Snipe courtesy of Jeremy Dexter

To view pit 60 you will need to access the two superb hides which requires a key.
This key will also allow you to access the hide at Rushy Common and is priced at £10.
Contact The Lower Windrush Valley Project at 

- Standlake Pit 60: 22nd October
Jack Snipe: One possibly two. Central area of south shore. 09:30. Snipe 12 Yellow-legged Gull 3 Jeremy Dexter...

- Standlake Pit 60 11th October
< Spotted Redshank please view at 720p HD Spotted Redshank from the Langley Lane hide 10:20- 17:20 at least. Green Sandpiper Snipe 6+ Little Egret Yellow-legged Gull Peregrine (per Jon Prowse, Anthony C,Peter Law & Badger) To view pit 60 you will...

- Standlake Pit 60: 6th October
Courtesy of Jeremy DexterSpotted Redshank Still present. 11:30.                                                      No...

- Iffley Meadows 10th January
1 Heron 5 Cormorant 2 Kestrel 104 Snipe 4 Jack Snipe 20 + B H Gull 2 LBB Gull 18 Meadow Pipit 1 Stonechat ♀ 70+ Redwing 3 Siskin 1 Reed Bunting W.P.Bull c300 Snipe and 1 Jack Snipe nr South Moreton 9th Jan (per The Wyatts)...

- Access To Rushy Common
Thanks to Antony Collieu for supplying the following details. Access to the Rushy Common hide and the Pit 60 Hides is using a key which can be purchased for ever from Alison Hopewell of LWVP for £6.00. Contact her at

