South Moreton 19th November

South Moreton 19th November

Ruff 1
Dunlin 1
Golden Plover c200
Lapwing c300
Snipe c50

(per Brian Wyatt)

- Rushey Common Area, 1st November
Egyptian Geese 2 Pochard 9 Grey Wagtail Lapwing c200 with SNT from carpark Golden Plover c200 with SNT from carpark Clackers...

- Otmoor Saturday 3rd Am
Possible Black Kite seen at 10.30 this morning. Bird flew across Ashgrave the Closes and then off across Greenaways. It was pursued by corvids. Long winged, slightly notched tail and dark underneath. Seen by three observers. Bark Dunlin with Snipe Bittern...

- South Moreton 5th March
Black-tailed Godwit 1 Dunlin 1 Golden Plover c600 Lapwing c800 Teal c120 (per Brian Wyatt)...

- Iffley Meadows 10th January
1 Heron 5 Cormorant 2 Kestrel 104 Snipe 4 Jack Snipe 20 + B H Gull 2 LBB Gull 18 Meadow Pipit 1 Stonechat ♀ 70+ Redwing 3 Siskin 1 Reed Bunting W.P.Bull c300 Snipe and 1 Jack Snipe nr South Moreton 9th Jan (per The Wyatts)...

- Rushy Common 30th October
Hen Harrier (male) Golden Plover c300 Lapwing c300 Peregrine Tar Lakes Green Sandpiper 2 (per Clackers)...

