South Leigh 23rd March

South Leigh 23rd March

Great Grey Shrike still near South Leigh singing and showing well at 16:10.

(per Terry Tossel)

About Here

- South Leigh 16th January
No sign of the Great Grey Shrike east of South Leigh near The Nunnery by 13:15...

- South Leigh 10th January
No further sign of Great Grey Shrike by 14:00 1ml east of South Leigh still along bridleway on wires by the Nunnery SP.411.085 (Clackers, Gunslinger et al)....

- South Leigh: 30th March
South Leigh Great Grey Shrike: Usual place. Showing well in the evening sunlight. Gareth Blockley...

- South Leigh: 20th March
South Leigh Great Grey Shrike: still where reported earlier in the day - excellent views. Richard Catling...

- Sunday 18th South Leigh: Great Grey Shrike Still
The great grey shrike is still present at South Leigh this morning at 10 am (per Badger) though mobile. Also a hen harrier....

