South Leigh 11th January
Great Grey Shrike courtesy of Moth Clark |
Great Grey Shrike Again on wires north of bridleway. SP414088. 16:00
(per Steve Goddard)North of farm on wires at 11:00
(per Jeremy Dexter & The Wickster).
The location of the wires is north east of 'the nunnery', which is a couple of modern looking houses on the bridleway. A telescope would help as the bird is distant. Access from the South Leigh direction requires wellies as the ditch has flooded over and it may get worse. JD
South Leigh 16th January
No sign of the Great Grey Shrike east of South Leigh near The Nunnery by 13:15...
Eynsham/south Leigh, 12th January
Great Grey Shrike photos courtesy of Moth ClarkGreat Grey Shrike on wires 9am ish flushed by farmers and moved further towards S Leigh but still visible from time to time. Green Woodpecker Large flocks of Fieldfare, Redwing, Skylarks, Yellowhammers (Clackers,...
South Leigh 9th Jan
Great Grey Shrike 1, SP412087, on wires to north of farm next to bridleway. 12.30...
Great Grey Shrike South Leigh 17th March
Great Grey Shrike near South Leigh this evening.Along road from barnard gate to south leigh,south of Green House Farm,and east of Twelve Acre farm. (per Sally Hula)...
South Leigh 17th November
Great Grey Shrike this afternoon along the track between South Leigh and Lower Farm. No parking on the road to Lower Farm. Approx location SP410 085 (per Sally) ...