South Leigh, 24th March pm

South Leigh, 24th March pm

Hen Harrier in the field next to the usual Shrike field. Great Grey Shrike present until at least 5 pm.

Photo (c) Nigel Forrow

- South Leigh 16th January
No sign of the Great Grey Shrike east of South Leigh near The Nunnery by 13:15...

- Otmoor (13:30 - 17:00) November 1st
Great Grey Shrike 1 south pill in hawthorn hedge from 15:10-13, then moved off west Stonechat - 6 (100 acre field), 2 (south pill) Marsh Harrier - female over reed bed from first screen Chiffchaff - at least 1 (south pill) Water rail - heard from first...

- South Leigh: 30th March
South Leigh Great Grey Shrike: Usual place. Showing well in the evening sunlight. Gareth Blockley...

- South Leigh March 18
Great Grey Shrike 1 from 0830 to at least 1000 (with grateful thanks to Sally for putting out the news) Hen Harrier 1 Red Kite 2 Common Buzzard 8+ Common Kestrel 2 2 Short-eared Owl (Thomas Stevens) Directions for the Shrike Take the road from the A40...

- Sunday 18th South Leigh: Great Grey Shrike Still
The great grey shrike is still present at South Leigh this morning at 10 am (per Badger) though mobile. Also a hen harrier....

