South Abingdon Pits/Sewage Works area c 3.00-4.00pm

South Abingdon Pits/Sewage Works area c 3.00-4.00pm

Cetti's Warbler,
2 Water Rail
Yellow-legged Gull overhead

- Blenheim Park 23rd November
Shelduck 2 Pintail 2 Yellow-legged Gull Water Rail Cetti's Warbler recently (per Dave Doherty)...

- Abingdon: Abingdon Sewage Farm: 3rd October
Abingdon: Abingdon Sewage Farm Pochard: fem. 15:30. Shoveler 15:30. Green Sandpiper 15:30. 37 Lesser Black-backed Gull 15:30. Kingfisher 15:30. Cetti's Warbler: heard in song. 15:30. 4 Siskin 15:30. Ian Elkins...

- Banbury: Sewage Farm: 4th March
Banbury: Sewage Farm Barn Owl: Just south of town west of the motorway (over the area that used to be flooded by the old sewage works). Gareth Blockley...

- Radley Lakes: 11th March
2 Curlew (Lake G/ Plover Pit) 2 Oystercatcher (Thrupp Lake) 1 Water Rail 7 Shoveler 5 Gadwall 15 Teal 2 Pochard 2 Common Gull 1 Cetti's Warbler by Longmead Lake South Abingdon GPs 1 Cetti's Warbler 1 Chiffchaff singing (my first singer of year)...

- Great Grey Shrike At Little Stoke
I've just received a photo of a Great Grey Shrike taken on Thursday 9th Feb at Little Stoke, near Goring South Oxon. It was near an area where hedge laying was taking place. Also, yesterday, at least 10 Chichaffs at Abingdon sewage works including...

