Sonning Eye Glaucous Gull 13th December

Sonning Eye Glaucous Gull 13th December

RBA are reporting a glaucous gull in the roost at Sonning Eye at 4pm today
The juv bird seen around Reading over the last few days was relocated this evening
by Hugh Netley.

Photo taken in Berks of the Glauc here and here

- Sonning Eye Gps: 12th February
Sonning Eye GPs Mediterranean Gull: ad. 16:30. 2 Yellow-legged Gull: ad and 3w. 16:30. Hugh Netley...

- Port Meadow: 11th March
This evening Glaucous Gull: ad. The adult bird again in the roost this evening. 6 Avocet: Back on the floods again this evening. 3 Redshank Dunlin Adam Hartley This morning  06:30-07:45 Ruff 2 Ringed Plover 4 Dunlin 2 No sign of any Avocet ...

- Henley Rd & Sonning Eye Gp's 26th Feb
Henley Road and Sonning Eye G.P.s  26th Feb Smew 10 ( 2 drk, 2 1st wint drk ) 7 Sonning Eye 3 Henley Road Red Br Merg 1 Henley Rd Goosander 6 (4 drk) 3 S.E, 3 H.R Scaup 1 drk S.E. Pintail 1 drk H.R. Little Egret 1 S.E. Hugh Netley...

- 10th Feb Sonning Eye G.p.
1st Winter Glaucous gull on water ski pit Sonning Eye 16.30 per Andy Tomczynski Hugh...

- White Fronted Geese 14th Jan
At least 14 whitefronts in fields with greylags and canadas between shiplake and sonning. Viewable from thames path just south of small copse at su767775 looking west. Probably same birds which were seen briefly on the berks side at Borough marsh in Dec....

