Sonning Eye

Sonning Eye

13th December

The 1st winter Glaucous Gull was in the Sonning Eye roost this evening arriving at approx. 3.50pm. The bird has been around the Woodley area since at least the 10th but is elusive.
The roost is to the West of the sailing club and there is no vehicle access onto the site.


- Stanton Harcourt/hardwick 22nd January
Great Grey Shrike south of B4449 In scrub adjacent to Pits 3-4 west of access road to West Oxford Sailing Club at 15:08 (per Dave Doherty). Please keep to public footpath....

- Dorchester Gp's 8th Dec
Long-tailed Duck on sailing club pit. No general access but viewable from site boundary. (per RBA)...

- Port Meadow: 11th March
This evening Glaucous Gull: ad. The adult bird again in the roost this evening. 6 Avocet: Back on the floods again this evening. 3 Redshank Dunlin Adam Hartley This morning  06:30-07:45 Ruff 2 Ringed Plover 4 Dunlin 2 No sign of any Avocet ...

- 10th Feb Sonning Eye G.p.
1st Winter Glaucous gull on water ski pit Sonning Eye 16.30 per Andy Tomczynski Hugh...

- 11th Jan Sonning Eye And Henley Rd Pits
During webs count over 4000 birds counted. 8 smew ( 2rh sonning eye 1 rh henley road 1m and 4rh private pit ) 2 1st winter drake scaup sonning eye 2 rh goosander 1 drake red cr pochard 1533 tufted duck 1183 coot 551 gadwall 515 widgeon 226 pochard 20...

