Snow Geese

Snow Geese

Saturday 3rd March 31 Snow Geese (3 dark morph) were reported near Dungeness, Kent. They have raised a bit of interest in a rare bird thread on bird forum, with someone pointing out that there has been a flock very similar in Oxfordshire on 12th February... Sound familiar to anyone?
Presuming it's the same flock they were around before then in Oxon, seen at Dix pit on 13/09/11 (36 birds), Dix pit on 20/10/11 (35 birds), Farmoor res on 18/11/2011 (35 birds) and Dix pit 05/01/12 (33 birds - 3 dark morph).
There appears to have been two flocks in recent years in Oxon the very regular flock of c.10 at Blenheim that occasionally wander and this larger flock. This second larger flock was 24 to 29 birds through 2010. There was one count at Bleinheim on 23/09/2009 of 40+ birds so this could have been all of them together?
Has anyone seen any birds in Oxon recently or is the flock in Kent this larger flock we have had that have now moved on?


More discussion on Bird Forum here (Gnome)

- Blenheim: Blenheim Lake: 27th September
Blenheim: Blenheim Lake 8 Snow Goose: The usual feral flock. 2 Bar-headed Goose 12 White-fronted Goose: The usual feral flock. Adam Hartley ...

- Otmoor.a.m. 17th September.
4+ Hobby 1 Marsh Harrier 6 Snow Geese ( 2A and 4 Juv, from feral flock). 1 Wheatear 30+ Linnet 1 Raven (H) 2 Kingfisher (reported) 1 Redstart (reported). Male Kingfisher photo courtesy of John Reynolds....

- Bagley Wood 10th Jan
3 Buzzard 4 G.S.Woodpecker 7 Jay 1 Marsh tit 7 Nuthatch 20+ Siskin 8 Goldfinch 4 Lesser Redpoll 15+ Crossbill (This was the largest flock seen together, although smaller flocks were encountered around the wood after seeing these.Whether they had broken...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 4th September
Grimsbury Reservoir Willow Tit: This one bird seems to be regular at the moment and could be a target to some of you in the county. It is not very local but all three sightings this week it was with a large roving tit flock that is mailny Long-tailed...

- Otmoor Barnacle Geese 30th January
Pete Barker found 7 Barnacle Geese this morning near to the 2nd screen on Otmoormixed in with the resident Canada Geese. All the Geese were un-ringed and were gone by midday. Most likely to have come from a feral flock than be 'wild' birds butworth...

