Skutchhamer Knob (nr E.Hendred) 10th Oct

60+Redwing over
3 Corn Bunting
30+Meadow Pipit
32 Red-legged Partridge
c20 Grey Partridge
1 Wheatear
2 Swallow
1 Chiffy
East Hendred 18th January
A good candidate for 1st-winter Rough-legged Buzzard seen very briefly this afternoon at 14:30 (from car), perched in wet field at west end of East Hendred, north of A417. Around 15-20m from the road and therefore offering decent naked eye views, showed...
East Hendred: East Hendred Downs: 14th March
East Hendred: East Hendred Downs 6 Grey Partridge Short-eared Owl: Working the scrub and long grass along Grim's Ditch. Mark Merritt...
East Hendred: East Hendred Downs: 6th October
East Hendred: East Hendred Downs 2 Corn Bunting 5 Grey Partridge Mark Merritt...
East Hendred: East Hendred Downs: 9th October
East Hendred: East Hendred Downs 2 Corn Bunting 7 Grey Partridge Aston Upthorpe: Juniper Valley Whinchat Mark Merritt...
East Hendred: East Hendred Downs: 14th August
East Hendred: East Hendred Downs 13 Grey Partridge: 11 juv. Mark Merritt...