Rushy Common 26th February

Rushy Common 26th February

American Wigeon Rushy Common a.m
then '200yds along bridleway on pool on the right'
(per R.B.A)
+ Caspian Gull on pool from metal gate briefly 12:15p.m
2 Smew (redheads) still.
2 Oystercatchers
Green Sand

photos (c) Lew

- American Wigeon 21st March
American Wigeon (dk) still near Rushy Common 5:45p.m 200yds along bridleway to view fishing pit on the right (per B.B)...

- American Wigeon 20th March
American Wigeon (dk) still near Rushy Common at 10:55a.m Follow bridleway south for 200yds to view fishing pit to right. (per R.B.A)...

- American Wigeon 2nd March
Rushy Common American Wigeon (dk) By Island on pit set back and aproached from bridleway and to right of road. Midday. 2 Oystercatcher: on main pit. 2 Smew: redheads. John Hillsdon...

- American Wigeon 1st March
American Wigeon (dk) Rushy Common south of minor road between Stanton Harcourt & Cogges along bridleway behind island on first pool on right beyond bridge. (per R.B.A)...

- American Wigeon 17th February
American Wigeon (drk) Rushy Common on east side of pool viewable from minor road between Stanton Harcourt & Cogges. + 2 Smew (readheads) (per R.B.A) Rushy Common is off of the minor road between Cogges and Stanton Harcourt. There is currently no public...

