Rushy Common 22nd January

Rushy Common 22nd January

Temminck's Stint still present this morning to at least 11a.m (per Dave Lowe)

- Rushy Common 25th January
Temminck's Stint still at the N/E eand of Rushy Common at 13:35. view from car park or from roadside verge just north of car park. Please do not enter reserve other than on the designated paths. + Unconfirmed report of Black-necked Grebe this...

- Rushy Common 21st January
Temminck's Stint still at Rushy Common this morning 08:13 (per Keith Clack) Green Sandpiper Peregrine ...and still present at 11:40, best viewed through the hedge from the road north of the car park (Gnome) Showing distantly on one of the many small...

- Rushy Common 20th January
Temminck's Stint still 12:20 at northern (Cogges) end (per Terry Tossel) Rushy Common is accessed off of the minor road between the B4449 and Cogges. A key is needed to access the hide at Rushy Common but the northern end of the pit...

- American Wigeon 18th February
American Wigeon (dk) still at Rushy Common 07:46a.m (per Dave Lowe) -Sill there late p.m +2 Smew (both readheads)+Oystercatcher (per T.Tossel)+Green Sand (per Oz) Rushy Common is off of the minor road between Cogges and Stanton Harcourt. There is currently...

- Farmoor 5th Oct 5p.m
Black Tern Rock Pipit Common Sand No sign of Stint along causeway (per Dave Lowe)...

