Rushy Common 18th August

Rushy Common 18th August

Red-crested Pochard 10
Egyptian Goose 2
Green Sandpiper
Common Sandpiper

- Dorchester Gp's Complex 14th December
Green Sandpiper 09:00. 7 Egyptian Goose 09:00. Red-crested Pochard 09:00 (per Thomas Stevenson)...

- Farmoor 11th April
Courtesy of Ian Cavey                                          Red-necked Grebe still on F2 this morning           ...

- Rushy Common 20th March
Great & Little Egret Rushy Common courtesy of Graham Lenton                 Great white Egret at Rushy Common between c15:15 and 15:45 then flew North.                ...

- Otmoor.a.m. 12th September.
1 Redstart (MJ) Bridleway 1 Whinchat 3 Wheatear 1 Kingfisher 5 Green Sandpiper 1 Sparrowhawk 1 Curlew (over) Evening 12 Green Sandpiper   2 Common Sandpiper   1 Greenshank   1 Dunlin   1 Curlew 16 Wigeon 30 Teal 20 Shoveler 15...

- Rushy Common: 12th August
Rushy Common 2 Egyptian Goose 5 Red-crested Pochard: 1f 4juv. Hobby Simon Bradfield...

