Rushey Common Lake 24th August

Rushey Common Lake 24th August

Common Sandpiper minimum of 5
Egyptian Geese 3
Sand Martins 2


- Rushey Common Area/ Witney 24th November
Rushey Common area Redpoll 2 Green Sandpiper Snipe Yellowhammers 2m Egyptian Geese 2 Siskin Edge of Witney sewage works Grey Wagtail Witney Lake Kingfisher 2 Little Egret Chiffchaff 2 Grey Wagtail Clackers ...

- Rushey Common Area, 28th August
Grey Wagtail 6 Common Sandpiper 4 Green Sandpiper 2 Kingfisher Hobby Egyptian Geese 3 Clackers...

- 8th July Rushey Common
The Great White Egret is currently on the Grassy Lake next to the Tar Lake at Rushey Common. Now on near bank just over hedge 10:30 a.m. Also at Rushey Common: 2 Green Sandpipers 1 Common Sandpiper (per Keith Clack). Rushey Common Nature Reserve is...

- Rushey Common 31st August
Green Sandpiper 2+ Common Sandpiper 3+ Egyptian Geese 5 (3 juv) Snipe 3 Sedge Warbler (per Clackers) ...

- Rushey Common 2nd September
Egyptian Geese Rushey Common (c) Ewan Scaup 15:20 (per Clackers) Garganey (prob f) 12:30 Red-creasted Pochard 7 Egyptian Geese 2 (per Ewan 'two eyes' Urquhart) Black Audi Birding 1st September Peregrine Hobby Green Sandpiper 3 Common Sandpiper...

