Rushey Common & Tar Lakes 15th September

Rushey Common & Tar Lakes 15th September

Dunlin 7
Curlew 2
Snipe 2
Green Sandpiper
Common Sandpiper
Good numbers of House Martins
Swallow 20+

(per Clackers)

- Bicester Wetlands, 13th September
Green Sandpiper c7 Snipe at least 11 Green Woodpecker Constant stream of mixed Swallows, Sand Martins & House Martins Clackers & Mrs Clackers...

- Standlake Pit 60 Am
1 Ruff 1 Green Sandpiper 3 Juvenile Little Grebe Good numbers of Swallows and House and Sand Martins...

- Rushey Common 23rd May
Cuckoo Little Egret 2 Redshank Good numbers of House Martins,Swallows & Swifts (per Clackers)...

- Stanton Harcourt 25th August
Ruff 14 Dunlin 1 Common Sandpiper 3 (Rushey C) Green Sandpiper (Rushey C) Lapwing 600+ Red-crested Pochard 5 Yellow-legged Gull 5...

- Rushey Common 2nd September
Egyptian Geese Rushey Common (c) Ewan Scaup 15:20 (per Clackers) Garganey (prob f) 12:30 Red-creasted Pochard 7 Egyptian Geese 2 (per Ewan 'two eyes' Urquhart) Black Audi Birding 1st September Peregrine Hobby Green Sandpiper 3 Common Sandpiper...

