Radley UV therapy with added Bittern

Radley UV therapy with added Bittern

Pit H/I flooded enough to displace any small mammals. Walking the higher perimeter bund / fenceline, as more water poured into surrounding ground / orchard Lake from Thames. 14:03 - Bittern (click for map) disturbed from fenceline, facing Orchard lake (to west). It flew off East to land in central south of Pit. Seen well flying directly away, with strong sunlight behind me. Interestingly?... No dark crown noticed, (moustachial details hidden anyway); VERY noticeable two tone upperwing; with dark flight feathers and paler secondary coverts. Redpolls, Goldfinches, Reedbuntings, Green peckers. Red kites, singing Wrens and single Snipe, plus 15 Pochard on Orchard Lake and noisy swimming Water Rail here, being the best of a poor avian showing.

- Radley 26th February
Bittern over Orchard Lake c16:15 (per Mark Chivers)...

- Radley Gp: 14th September
Garganey f. Lake M (Orchard Lake) flighty and vocal. Green Sandpiper: Lake M. Mark Merritt...

- Radley Lakes 3rd March Pm
Bittern on Orchard Lake 17:19 (per The Early Birder) High numbers of ducks today for some reason, mostly on Thrupp Lake. 243 Wigeon (the highest I've recorded here. Yesterday there were only 30) 114 Tufted Duck (the third highest number I've recorded...

- Radley 25th November
Bittern in flooded field behind Orchard Lake 07:45 (per Mark Chivers)...

- Radley Lakes
Radley Lakes (c) Radley Village web-site KeyE: Thrupp LakeF: Bullfield Lake or "the fishing lake" G: The Ash PitL: Longmead Lake M: Orchard Lake Thrupp Lake is good for wintering waterfowl, including Smew occasionally & roosting gulls The Ash Pit...

