Radley 4th May

Greenshank (on the small Ash-pit 'Plover Pit')
Garden Warbler
10+ Swift
Little Ringed Plover (John Hillsdon)
No sign of any Spotshanks at 1066 this morning.
Farmoor 17th May
Greenshank Ringed Plover 2 Swift c500 Garden Warbler 3 Barnacle Goose (per Ewan) More from the Res at The Insomniac Birder...
Radley Lakes 7th May
2 of the 3 Greenshank on the Plover Pit. 1 Oystercatcher (Plover Pit) 3 Lapwing Plus Garden Warbler, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Blackcap, Cuckoo, Sedge Warbler, Reed Warbler and Reed Bunting. +Wood Sandpiper on H/I 1 L.R.P on Plover Pit (Badger)...
Goingbirding: 22nd April
Radley GP Little Ringed Plover Oystercatcher Greenshank: Lake H/I. 2 Cuckoo: 2 calling. Gavin Paterson ...
Goingbirding: 21st April
Radley GP 2 Little Ringed Plover Cuckoo Oystercatcher Redshank John Hillsdon ...
Goingbirding: 6th April
Radley GP Little Ringed Plover 3 Green Sandpiper John Hillsdon ...