Radley 23rd June

3 Oystercatcher (1juv)
2 Little ringed Plover
2 Common Tern
2 Kingfisher
Garden Warbler
Otmoor The Pill 30th April
0630-0800 in the fog Grasshopper Warbler 1 male Cuckoo 2 calling males Common Buzzard Sedge Warbler Common Whitethroat Lesser Whitethroat Willow Warbler Common Chiffchaff Garden Warbler Blackcap Curlew ...
Farmoor At Noon
Black Tern 3 F2 Common Tern 4 Yellow Wagtail 2 Grasshopper Warbler 1m Pinkhill Garden Warbler 2m Pinkhill Cuckoo 1m Pinkhill Sedge Warbler Reed Warbler Blackcap Willow Warbler ChiffChaff Common Whitethroat...
Otmoor And Farmoor
Otmoor 9 Warbler species this morningLesser WhitethroatCommon WhitethroatGarden WarblerWillow WarblerChiffchaffBlackcapGrasshopper WarblerSedge WarblerReed Warbler Farmoor9 Little Gulls on F1 until 0845 (when they flew off high to the east)...
Cholsey, 14th April
Cholsey Marsh. 1 Cuckoo.A single Common Sandpiper flew up river.4 Willow Warbler4 Whitethroat1 Lesser Whitethroat3 Garden Warbler3 Blackcap2 Grasshopper Warbler10 Sedge Warbler1 Reed Warbler5 Chiffchaff. Lollingdon and the Lees. 9 Wheatear5 Corn...
Cholsey, 12th April