Radley 17th February

Radley 17th February

Iceland Gull (1stw) came in to the roost on the small Ash/Plover Pit
late p.m. + Oystercatcher on Thrupp Lake.

- Iceland Gull 7th December
Iceland Gull (2ndw) On the Spit Pit 12:15 to 12:45. (Simon Bradfield) And again 14:00-15:45p.m (Badger) + Yellow-legged Gull (ad) 8 Common Gull Radley Iceland Gull (2ndw) 16:05 amongst the Thrupp Lake roost....

- Radley 3rd March
Little Gull (1stw) still on Thrupp Lake 10:50a.m at least. 2 Little Ringed Plover 3 Redshank 2 Green Sand 2 Oystercatcher 2 Willow Warblers Blackcap...

- Radley Lakes Sun. 13th March
2 Oystercatcher (Thrupp Lake) 1 Red-crested Pochard (female) (Thrupp Lake) 1 Goldeneye (female) (Thrupp Lake) 3 Green sandpiper (Lake G) 2 Redshank (Lake G) 45 Lapwing (Lake G) 2 Chiffchaff (Singing) 2 Treecreeper 7 Reed Bunting No sign of redhead Smew,...

- Radley 18th Feb
Iceland Gull (1w) in the roost on the small Ash/Plover Pit late p.m + Yellow-legged Gull (ad) 1 Green Sandpiper...

- Radley Lakes
Radley Lakes (c) Radley Village web-site KeyE: Thrupp LakeF: Bullfield Lake or "the fishing lake" G: The Ash PitL: Longmead Lake M: Orchard Lake Thrupp Lake is good for wintering waterfowl, including Smew occasionally & roosting gulls The Ash Pit...

