Radley 16th January

Radley 16th January

Bittern in field behind Orchard Lake late afternoon
(per Mark Chivers & Geoff 'The early birders').

- Radley 26th February
Bittern over Orchard Lake c16:15 (per Mark Chivers)...

- Great Grey Shrike Cholsey 19th January
Butcher Bird (c) The Early Birders Great Grey Shrike again Cholsey this afternoon c15:45 (per Mark Chivers & Geoff Adams)The Shrike was seen on the opposite bank from Cholsey Marsh just downstream on Ferry Road.  Ferry Lane which leads to...

- Otmoor.a.m. 26th December.

- Radley 25th November
Bittern in flooded field behind Orchard Lake 07:45 (per Mark Chivers)...

- Radley Lakes
Radley Lakes (c) Radley Village web-site KeyE: Thrupp LakeF: Bullfield Lake or "the fishing lake" G: The Ash PitL: Longmead Lake M: Orchard Lake Thrupp Lake is good for wintering waterfowl, including Smew occasionally & roosting gulls The Ash Pit...

