Port Meadow 8th June: Spoonbill Still

Port Meadow 8th June: Spoonbill Still

The Port Meadow spoonbill is still around this morning (per Pete Styles)

No sign mid morning (per Richard Foster)

Photo (c) Pete Styles

- Otmoor 26th August
2 Marsh Harrier 3 Hobby 1 Whinchat along the path to the 1st screen 3 Redstart (per Dominic Norris) 1 Spotted Flycatcher (per Pete Styles) Spotted Flycatcher photo courtesey of Pete Styles....

- Otmoor Redstarts 9th July
A nice photo of one of the redstarts in Long Meadow this morning (c) Pete Styles ...

- Farmoor 2nd October
Pete Styles found a whinchat in Buckthorn Meadow today (c) Pete Styles ...

- Dipper Seen Yesterday
Pete Styles reports that he met the chap (Derek) who's been seeing the dipper and that it was seen yesterday morning at 8:30 a.m. on the weir. Pete failed to see it during the three hours that he was there....

- Port Meadow Monday 20th September
juvenile ruff on the floods c. 20 yellow wagtails 10+ meadow pipits Richard Foster reports 1 dunlin 1 wheatear 1 or 2 golden plover 1 red kite in Burgess Field Red kite (c) Pete Styles ...

