Port Meadow 5th August

Port Meadow 5th August

2   Wood Sand
3+ Green Sand
8+ Common Sand
1   Turnstone
5   Greenshank (per R.C Watts)
3   Redshank
4   Dunlin
11 Ringed Plover
1+ Golden Plover (per Clackers)
20 Snipe
1   Yellow Wagtail (juv)

Port Meadow Birding

- Otmoor 22nd September
Hen Harrier (ringtail) Ashgrave 17:20   Then over the reed beds 17:40 & 18:40                                                ...

- Radley 19th September
No further sign of the Wryneck by early evening.                                                    Stonechat along perimeter...

- Farmoor 1st September
Curlew Sands courtesey of Alan Horsley                                          Curlew Sandpiper 2             ...

- Otmoor. Evening.
Shelduck.  (juv.)From the Bridleway.          Marsh Harrier.                                          1 Hobby (per Joe...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 22nd September
17 Siskin: 9 over south, c.8 in the wood. 20 + Meadow Pipit (seemed to be a constant call of meadow pipits                                  going...

