Port Meadow 23rd Feb

Port Meadow 23rd Feb

No sign of the adult Glaucous Gull late afternoon
Yellow-legged Gull
Redshank 2
Shelduck 4

- Sutton Courtenay 4th February 2014
1 Iceland Gull 2w 1 probable Kumlien's Gull juv 3 + Yellow legged Gull all in the gull flock loafing on fields between level crossing and cycle track 1 Peregrine no sign of the adult Glaucous Gull between 1100-1600hrs ...

- Port Meadow: 28th February
Glaucous Gull: adult in the roost again this evening 2 Yellow-legged Gull, 3w 5 Redshank 4 Dunlin 6 Shelduck 30 Pintail Adam Hartley, Alex Martin, Steve Jennings, Gareth Blockley...

- Port Meadow 19th Feb
9 Little Gull (all adults) reported on Port Meadow early afternoon (per R.B.A) No sign 15:30 but 2 Curlew Late Afternoon: Reb-breasted Merg (redhead) c22 Goosander Med Gull (nr ad) 3+ Yellow-legged Gull 10 Dunlin 1 Ruff (per Dave Lowe)...

- Port Meadow 24th November: Caspian Gull Again
1 adult Caspian gull in roost again 1 yellow-legged gull 1 black-tailed godwit 1 redshank 1 ruff 13-14 dunlin c. 8 pintail Videograb of the adult Caspian gull (c) Adam Hartley More photos and video at Port Meadow Birding...

- Port Meadow 23rd November: Caspian Gull
5 redshank, 13 dunlin, 10 pintail, 1 adult Caspian Gull, 1 adult yellow-legged gull Videograb of the adult Caspian Gull on the floods tonight (c) Adam Hartley Ian Lewington thinks that this may be the same bird that has been asleep down at Appleford...

