Port Meadow 21st February

Port Meadow 21st February

Glaucous Gull, adult in the roost again
Jack Snipe

per Alex Martin & Liam Langley

Port Meadow: The Perch
Yesterday: Peregrine: With Buzzard.

Paul Cooper

Phone 'Scoped (c) Liam Langley/Alex Martin

- Port Meadow: 1st March
Port Meadow 4 Shelduck 6 Redshank: per Liam Langley. 5 Goosander: per Liam Langley. Adam Hartley...

- Port Meadow: 26th February
Port Meadow Oystercatcher: Found by Liam Langley. 2 Goosander: Found by Liam Langley. Adam Hartley...

- 29th April Port Meadow: Little Stint
Little Stint - found by Steve Lavington, half way along the West Shore of the floods Little Ringed Plover Black-tailed Godwit 2 Shelduck Yellow Wagtails Steve Lavington & Gnome still present late afternoon per Alex Martin & Liam Langley iPhone...

- Port Meadow: 22nd February
Glaucous Gull: adult again in the roost 3 Yellow-legged Gull 4 Dunlin: per Liam Langley. 4 Shelduck 75 Golden Plover Adam Hartley  More at Port Meadow Birding...

- Port Meadow: 7th February
2 Glaucous Gull: adult & juvenile Ruff Adam Hartley, Liam Langley & Peter Law  Videograb of the adult Glaucous Gull - more to follow on Port Meadow Birding...

