Port Meadow 19th December

Port Meadow 19th December

Black-tailed Godwit 3
Redshank 5
Shelduck 2
Wigeon c500
Teal c300
Pintail (m)
Shoveler c20
Great black backed Gull

- Otmoor Webs Totals, 18/1
Bittern- 1 Black-headed gull- 245 Canada goose- 359 Coot- 72 Cormorant- 5 Gadwall- 36 Golden plover- 3129 Great crested grebe- 2 Grey heron- 3 Greylag goose- 134 Kingfisher- 2 Lapwing- 3033 Lesser black-backed gull- 3 Mallard- 186 Moorhen- 2 Mute swan-...

- Port Meadow: 13th November
Port Meadow 4 Yellow-legged Gull: ad. 9 Egyptian Goose 50 Teal 20 Wigeon 40 Lapwing 4 Great Black-backed Gull: ad. Adam Hartley...

- Otmoor Rspb Webs Count 17th March
Mute Swan18Greylag Goose107Canada Goose100Wigeon257Gadwall18Teal781Mallard74Pintail8Shoveler74Pochard21Tufted Duck40Little Grebe6Great crested grebe2Cormorant2Little Egret6Grey Heron7Moorhen11Coot121Golden Plover250Lapwing196Dunlin44Snipe13Redshank19Curlew2Black-tailed...

- Dix Pit 15th January
Caspian Gull 1 first winter Great Black Backed Gull 16 Yellow legged Gull 4 Common Gull 9 Northern Pintail 3 Common Goldeneye 4 Eurasian Wigeon/Eurasian Teal/Gadwall/Tufted Duck/ Common Pochard/Mallard/Northern Shoveler all present but not counted...

- Port Meadow 25th November
Much of floods frozen though still some clear patches 1 yellow-legged gull 1 black-tailed godwit 1 redshank 8 snipe c. 10 pintail still plenty of wigeon, teal & shoveler Photos (c) Adam Hartley...

