Port Meadow: 30th March

Port Meadow: 30th March

Port Meadow
4 Little Ringed Plover
2 Redshank
2 Shelduck

Richard Foster

- Port Meadow: 1st April
Port Meadow 4 Little Ringed Plover 2 Oystercatcher Redshank Ruff Shelduck (Richard Foster) 1 little egret 1 redshank1 lapwing2 oystercatchers2 shelducks4 gadwalls4+ shovelerssmall flocks of linnets1 meadow pipit1 nuthatch calling by the bridge Dr....

- Port Meadow: 30th May
Port Meadow 4 Ringed Plover 3 Oystercatcher Redshank Richard Foster ...

- Goingbirding: 18th April
Port Meadow 6 Oystercatcher 4 Dunlin 2 Little Ringed Plover 2 Shelduck 2 White Wagtail Richard Foster ...

- Goingbirding: 7th April
Port Meadow 5 Oystercatcher 5 Redshank 3 Little Ringed Plover 2 Dunlin Ringed Plover Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park Sedge Warbler Richard Foster ...

- Goingbirding: 6th April
6th April Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park 3 Blackcap Port Meadow 4 Oystercatcher 4 Redshank 2 Little Ringed Plover Black-tailed Godwit Richard Foster ...

