Port Meadow: 30th April

Port Meadow: 30th April

Port Meadow
Common Sandpiper
4 Wheatear

Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park
Whitethroat: m.

Adam Hartley

2 Little Gull: ad. summer. Feeding over floods. (Phil Chapman)

- Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park: 5th September
I spent a good couple of hours hunting for the Wryneck without success today. Location details are now on the Port Meadow Birding blog. Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park 2 Lesser Whitethroat Siskin: Heard-only, at least one. Port Meadow Hobby:...

- Port Meadow: 11th May
Port Meadow Egyptian Goose Common Tern Shelduck Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park Lesser Whitethroat: male. Adam Hartley...

- Port Meadow: 16th April
Port Meadow Little Egret 3 Little Ringed Plover 5 Oystercatcher 2 Shelduck Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park Whitethroat: m. Adam Hartley...

- Port Meadow: 3rd May
Port Meadow Garganey: m. Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park Lesser Whitethroat: m. 3 Garden Warbler: m. Adam Hartley...

- Port Meadow: 18th April
Port Meadow 22 Black-tailed Godwit Bar-tailed Godwit 2 Common Sandpiper 8 Yellow Wagtail Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park Redstart: f. Adam Hartley & Liam Langley...

