Pied Flycatcher Headington 29th Sept

Pied Flycatcher Headington 29th Sept

Pied Flycatcher Headington this evening in and around Pete Roby's garden.
Unfortunately it was only present for 20-30 minutes before flying in the direction of
Bury Knowle park.
Nice 1 Pete.

- Otmoor 26th August
2 Marsh Harrier 3 Hobby 1 Whinchat along the path to the 1st screen 3 Redstart (per Dominic Norris) 1 Spotted Flycatcher (per Pete Styles) Spotted Flycatcher photo courtesey of Pete Styles....

- Didcot 18th/19th April
This 1st summer male Pied Flycatcher was unfortunately in a private garden....

- Central Oxford 18th April: Pied Flycatcher
Tom Wickens has just found a male Pied Flycatcher in the parkland area by the Thames behind the Oxford Ice Rink on Oxpens Road (time about 18:44) Still present 19:15 (per Steve Roby)...

- Goingbirding: 25th February
Headington: Bury Knowle Park Peregrine: Churchill Hospital. Gavin Paterson ...

- Oxon County Life Lists
Name Total Latest Nic Hallam       273 Lapland Bunting Roger Wyatt      270 Citrine Wagtail Ian Lewington    269 Lapland Bunting Paul Chandler    268 Lapland...

