Oxford: Woodstock Road: 17th September

Oxford: Woodstock Road: 17th September

Oxford: Woodstock Road
Probable Honey-buzzard: Circling and trending eastwards over Woodstock Road, a large raptor, pale from beneath, dark carpals and 'fingers'. Looked more like a Honey Buzzard than anything, a year to the day after I saw one over the Oxford ring road. 11:00.

Steve Goddard

- Garsington: 28th November
28th November Garsington Tawny Owl: calling near King's Copse Park. Raven: in Combewell off Oxford Road. 3 Buzzard: sitting in usual field along Wheatley Road. Peter Law...

- Waxwings 14th Feb
100 Waxwings Abingdon still along the Wooton Road near the 'One Stop' shop 07:45 (per B.B) 17 Waxwings by 08:30 (Steve Clark) Around 2.15.pm today there was a flock of 50 waxwings in the trees opposite Sainsburys at Heyford Hill on the Oxford...

- Waxwings 16th Jan
25+ Waxwings over oxpens road at 10.00 a.m this morning. 19 Waxwings between 10.10 and 10.30am in Pheasant Walk, Oxford; same spot as previous two days. 85+ Waxwings at 2.45pm briefly (per Lynda & Tony Raymond) 14:00 80+ Waxwings Between Towns Road...

- 15th January - Waxwings
08.30 am; 13 Waxwing in tree's around Donnington Playing Field Small groups have been showing briefly in the area of Cavell Road over the past week. (per Steve Roby) 13+ Waxwings on Oxpens Road, same position as yesterday but mobile. (per Steve Goddard)...

- Waxwings 3rd January
3 Waxwings flew east over Kingston Road (Walton Manor, Oxford) calling and then back west again. May be same birds that were seen on Southmoor Road two days ago. It may also be worth checking out the Waterside development. (per Gnome) At least 12 Waxwings...

