Oxford: city centre: 30th March

Oxford: city centre: 30th March

Oxford: city centre
Black Redstart: male. Male singing from rooftop above BHS on Queen Street.

David Watkinson

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 03rd April
I've been away for a week so nice to see some signs of spring 'up north' 1 Little Ringed Plover (flew off north at c.11:30) is number 70 for the year list 1 White Wagtail with c.20 Pied Wags and 5 + Meadow Pipits 1 Reed Bunting singing 4 Tufted...

- Oxford: City Centre: 2nd December
Oxford: city centre Waxwing: By the churchyard in St. Giles at 2pm today. Adam Hartley...

- Starlings Kidlington 21st Feb
10,000+ Starlings Kidlington, in several large pre-roost flocks Over Garden City/Oxford Road and over Waverley Avenue/ Queens Avenue and Evans Lane c5:30-5:45p.m photo (c) Mike Flemming...

- Waxwings 21st December
Stonesfield Waxwing photo (c) Martin Gasgoine-pees. Waxwing in Long Hanborough at Swan Hill 8.30a.m (per Paul Wren) A single Waxwing in Oxford city centre 08.45 on Thames Street. Feeding on ?Whitebeam in central reservation between opposing flows of...

- A Few More Waxwings
3 Waxwings briefly before flying west at 9 am in Banbury between South bar and New street. 1 Waxwing in Oxford city centre at Magdalen bridge around midday (text from a friend). Gareth...

