Otmoor Sunday morning

All Pics (c) P.Barker
Three Male Redstarts
Drumming Snipe
Five Wheatears
Usual Warblers
No sign of the Garganey this morning
Otmoor Birding
Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 1st May
Otmoor: RSPB reserve Whinchat: On Ashgrave with 4 Wheatears. Garganey: male. On Big Otmoor. 2 Shelduck: male and fem. 2 Cuckoo Steve Roby...
Rspb Otmoor 24th April
The BBS and breeding wader surveys this morning picked up some good birds on Otmoor including: Bar-tailed godwit (Big Otmoor) Whimbrel (Greenaways) Hobby (flew overhead on track between carpark and bird feeders) Whitethroat 3 grasshopper warblers Short-eared...
Otmoor 11/4
Male Redstart at Noke end of Big Otmoor this morning. Possibly a female as well but couldn't get a good view. Wheatears are still around across most of the reserve. 4 Little Ringed Plover present on Ashgrave. Zoe Edwards...
Otmoor Snipe drumming (c) P.Barker more at Male Snipe have a drumming display in which they circle high on rapid, clipped wingbeats then dive at a steep angle with outer tail feathers held out at almost a...
Un-exploded Bomb!
The whole of Otmoor is currently closed due to the uncovering of an unexploded WW2 bomb on the Flood Field. The MOD are on site and planning to deal with it this morning. Please do not try to come to the reserve or the surrounding areas of the moor, as...