Otmoor Bittern

Otmoor Bittern

The Bittern has been re-found this morning and can be seen on the right hand side of the Diagonal track across Greenaways. The bird should be viewable from the bridleway.

- Otmoor 19th July
Bittern Otmoor 18/7 courtesey of H.Cadman Glossy Ibis came in to roost along the spit viewed from the 1st screen c20:45 Bittern showing well from the 1st screen 20:20 Little Egret 17 in roost from 1st screen Barn Owl (per Steve Roby) Seen from the bridleway...

- Otmoor 25th March Fudge Duck
A male FERRUGINOUS DUCK is lurking around at Otmoor in the reeds just south of the second screen at Otmoor. Found by Joe Harris one of the RSPB wardens this morning it has been seen a few times during the day, mostly in the last channel before the second...

- Otmoor 22nd Feb
The Bittern put in appearance at Otmoor this afternoon on Greenaways. It was on the edge of the reedbed roughly opposite the bench along the bridleway. Also present were the 7 Barnacle Geese on Ashgrave, good numbers of Lapwing, Golden Plover and Wigeon...

- Bitterns 19th February

- Otmoor Tuesday 15th
As previously reported the bittern was seen again today. It was seen by volunteers as they drove down the diagonal track. Views should be possibly from the bridleway, as this is the second report now of the bird on Greenaways. A merlin was spotted flying...

