Otmoor.A.M. 28th July.

Otmoor.A.M. 28th July.

1 Bittern (flying)
Marsh Harriers
2 Cranes
1 Sparrowhawk
2 Common Tern (on raft, 1 juvenile).

- Otmoor 2nd January
One of the Otmoor Harriers courtesy of Rad RamseyBittern 2+ Marsh Harrier 2 Sparrowhawk Snipe c20 Brambling 2 reported Marsh Tit (per the Massive)...

- Otmoor Sat !st August Am
4 Marsh Harriers (2 juvs) Green sand 4+ Spotted Flycatchers ( 2 Juvs ) Bittern / Bitterns No sign of GWE 4 Little Egrets Sparrowhawk Kingfisher Bark et al...

- Otmoor 19th July
Bittern Otmoor 18/7 courtesey of H.Cadman Glossy Ibis came in to roost along the spit viewed from the 1st screen c20:45 Bittern showing well from the 1st screen 20:20 Little Egret 17 in roost from 1st screen Barn Owl (per Steve Roby) Seen from the bridleway...

- Otmoor 15th June Am.
Glossy Ibis Bittern seen in flight twice independently by visiting birders over Big Otmoor and then landing on Greenaways. Little Egret c10 Quail (h) Common Tern x4 Greenshank x3 flew in mid morning probably the same ones from Farmoor (see previous post)...

- Cranes On Otmoor 26th March
Two Cranes have been been seen again this morning in the Otmoor area. The birds are very mobile and flighty and if you are lucky enough to see them please keep your distance and be aware that at this time of year all the fields hold breeding...

