Otmoor.A.M. 27th.April.

Otmoor.A.M. 27th.April.

1 Curlew
3+ Hobby
7+ Swift
2 L.R.Plover
1 Pr. Linnet
2 Oystercatcher
3 L. Egret
Mixed Hirundines

1 Hairy Dragonfly
1 Broad Bodied Chaser (f)

- Otmoor 1st June
Club-tailed Dragonfly (c) M.Flemming  Bearded Tit seen along the bridleway near the pumphouse c08:00 Marsh Harrier (f) Greenaways Hobby 6+ Garganey (m) from the 1st screen briefly Turtle Dove Little Egret 11 Lesser Whitethroat 2+ Garden...

- Otmoor 27th May
Marsh Harrier (f) still over reed beds and Greenaways Turtle Dove 3+ Cattle pens and along the main bridleway Hobby 7 early afternoon (per Gareth) Sparrowhawk Golden Plover 1 Snipe (drumming) Little Egret Yellow Wagtail 3+ Cuckoo No sign of the Bearded...

- Otmoor P.m. 24th September
1 Merlin (m) over Greenaways 1 Hobby 1 Green Sand 2 Little Egret Mixed flock of Linnet and Goldfinch towards Noke c100 birds...

- Otmoor.a.m. 21st. April.
3 Pr Linnet 3+ Cuckoo 2 Wheatear 2 Oystercatcher 6 L.Egret 3 Hobby 1 Garganey(m) 1L.R.Plover 1 Curlew 1 Red Kite (Pale Morph)...

- Otmoor.a.m. 15th April.
2 Oystercatcher 5 L. Egret 12+ Redshank 1 Cuckoo 1 Wheatear 1 Curlew 2 Dunlin 2 Garganey M/F 50+ Mixed Martins 2 L.R.Plover 29 Mute Swan...

