Otmoor.A.M. 24th August.

Otmoor.A.M. 24th August.

Osprey viewed from the bridleway to Noke, flew south over Big Ormoor then over Ashgrave.
(per Jackie Newcombe)

1 Marsh Harrier
8+ Whinchat 4 100 Acre
(per Barry Batchelor)
5 Spotted Flycatcher
1 Redstart m Blukes Field 
(per Barry Batchelor)
1 Cuckoo (juv calling)
1 Hobby
1 Dunlin 1st scn
(per Jackie Newcombe)
Lots of Snipe still.
3+ Yellow Wagtail.

per P.B. M.C. J.R. P.G.

Little Egret Otmoor courtesey of John Reynolds

Full Weekend Wildlife Round-up tomorrow on  Otmoor Birding

- Otmoor 9th August
Wood Sandpiper photographs courtesy of John ReynoldsWood Sandpiper 2 one still in front of the 1st screen at 11:03 (per Bark & John Reynolds) 2nd bird on 1st pool on Greenaways until 09:34 then flew off high N/E (Badger). Marsh Harrier 2 Hobby 2...

- Otmoor.a.m. 18th August.
1 Green Sandpiper 1 Greenshank 1 L.R.Plover 1 Marsh Harrier (Ad F.) 1 Cuckoo (juv) 1 Sparrowhawk 2 Hobby 2 Whinchat  3 Black-tailed Godwit  1 Marsh Harrier (juv M.)      per Jack Davies. 17 Yellow Wagtail Islip On community hall...

- Otmoor 29th June
Glossy Ibis NE corner of The Closes at 17:00 Little Egret 10+ Turtle Dove 2 Cuckoo 2 Full weekend round up on Otmoor Birding tomorrow....

- Otmoor 16th March
Shelduck Ashgrave Bearded Tit (f) along bridleway near path to screens (per Andy Last)Peregrine Shelduck 5 AshgraveBlack-tailed Godwit 2Curlew 3+Dunlin 3Barn OwlLittle Egret 3Meadow Pipit c35 nr Noke FarmChiffchaff  Full weekend round-up...

- Otmoor 15th September
Bittern flew from 1st screen towards 2nd screen c14:15 (per John & Peter Tucker)                              ...

