Otmoor.A.M. 23rd March.

Otmoor.A.M. 23rd March.

4 Bearded Tit
2 Oystercatcher
2 Dunlin
1 Marsh Harrier
1 Treecreeper
1 Ross's Goose (feral)
4 Water Rail (heard).
Lots of Snipe.

Grey Heron courtesy of David Hasting birdimages.net

- Otmoor Webs Totals 22/2
Black-headed gull- 39Canada goose- 278Coot- 165Cormorant- 1Curlew- 2Gadwall- 50Golden plover- 3797Great crested grebe- 2Grey heron- 4Greylag goose- 197Lapwing- 4771Little grebe- 1Mallard- 140Moorhen- 19Mute swan- 10Oystercatcher- 1Pintail- 100Pochard-...

- Otmoor 7th June
Marsh Harrier 2 Hobby 3+ Ringed Plover (Big Otmoor) Curlew 2 Common Tern Cuckoo c3 Turtle Dove 2+ Garden Warbler 3+ Lesser Whitethroat 3 Barnacle Goose (feral) (Big Otmoor) Ross's Goose (feral) Bar-headed Goose 2 (feral) (Otmoor massive) Full weekend...

- Otmoor.a.m. 6th November.
Marsh Harrier courtesy of John Reynolds 2 Marsh Harrier 4 Water Rail (2 seen) 2+ Peregrine 2 Kingfisher (Noke End) 1000+ Golden Plover (West of reserve) Lots of Fieldfare Lots of Redwing 1 Ross's Goose. (per P.R. & P.G.)...

- Otmoor.a.m. 28th October.
No sign of the Dartford Warbler in the South Pill Grounds today (per Phil Barnett) Kite & Harrier courtesy of John Reynolds 1 Marsh Harrier 1 Merlin (F) also seen nr Pill ground (Steve Akers) 1 Peregrine (per Steve Akers & John Reynolds) 1 Jack...

- Otmoor.a.m. 3rd November.
    M.o.D land. 1 Water Pipit. (Pill) then flew west 1 Water Rail 2+ Goldcrest 1 Hen Harrier (juv) 3 Bearded Tit between the screens (per Andy Last) 1 Stonechat 3+ Snipe. Water Rail photo (c) David Cuddon ...

