Otmoor.A.M. 16th May.

Otmoor.A.M. 16th May.

Ashgrave : Noke End.
1 Cuckoo (calling)
4 Hobby
1 Raven
3 Dunlin
2 Common Tern.

Turtle Dove: sitting in top of dead Oak along access road to rifle range,
then moved to Roman road and E end of bridleway.
Cuckoo: calling on MOD land.
5 Hobby: E end of Greenaways.

Peter Law

- Otmoor: Roman Road: 5th May
Otmoor: Roman Road Turtle Dove: Initially calling from roman road then moved to power lines by wardens hut. 08:20. Rob Downes...

- Otmoor 19th May
Glossy ibis 15:30 (on Flood field earlier over Greenaways P.G) Pair of garganey. Ruff 2 ringed plover. 2 Raven. 1 Curlew (calling). 2 Cuckoo 1 seen in trees bordering car park and MoD land, 2nd seen from top hide on telegraph wires. 2 Turtle Dove (per...

- Otmoor 26th June
Saunders Ground Quail: Heard twice calling from near the bridleway out on Greenways betwen the hide and the Barbara Austin bench late morning but not again before the rain arrived. No sound of the Corncrake anywhere. John Edwards Water Rail (swimming...

- Otmoor.a.m. 29th.may.
1 L.R.Plover (on eggs) 1 Dunlin 1 Curlew (calling) 2 Turtle Dove (flying together on bridleway) 1 Sparrowhawk 2 Quail (calling) Ashgrave and Farmland 4 Cuckoo (3 calling 1 bubbling ) Lots of Swift over Reedbeds...

- Otmoor 14th May
Quail (calling from the Closes and heard along the bridleway this morning) 2 Grey Partridge (reported) Garganey (D) 3 Curlew 2 Dunlin Hobby 4 Little Egret 3 Cuckoo Turtle Dove Complete weekend round up at http://www.surfbirds.com/blog/OtmoorBirding...

