Otmoor.A.M. 11th March

Otmoor.A.M. 11th March

1f/ merlin
1 snipe
3 l. egret
12 dunlin
8 stock dove
1 redshank
2 curlew
+ usual ducks goldies ect.

- Otmoor.a.m. 13th March.
3 Chiffchaff (Noke End) 1 Treecreeper (Noke End) 3 Snipe 6+ Little Egret 10+ Redshank Curlew (calling) Lots of Goldies Still 1 Peregrine....

- Otmoor A.m. 29th March.
9 Curlew 7 L.Egret 1F/Merlin 1 Garganey (M) 1 Grey Plover( Big Otmoor) 8 Dunlin 15+ Redshank 1 Kestrel...

- Otmoor Sunday
4 Whimbrel9 Curlew1 LRP4 Oystercatchers1 Wheatear ( Noke farm fence )1 Willow warbler 2 Merlin male and female1 Raven1 Garganey14 Sand Martins+ usual ducks Lapwings, Redshanks, Goldies ( eighty) and Lapwings...

- Otmoor.a.m. 12th March.
1 curlew 1/f merlin 6 l. egret 2 redshank 3 snipe c.10 dunlin 4+ red kites 5+ buzzard c.6 l. grebe...

- Otmoor.a.m. 10th March.
1 sparrowhawk 4 l. egret 8 barnacle geese 14 stock dove 1/f merlin 400+ golden plover 12+ dunlin 1 chiffchaff...

