Otmoor 8th March

Otmoor 8th March

Golden Plover & Dunlin courtesey of Mark Chivers
Hen Harrier r/t (Oddington Flood Field)
Peregrine 2 (Oddington Flood Field)

- Otmoor: 26th April
Otmoor 2 Crane: In the middle of Flood Field in and around the small sunken reed bed, viewable from Oddington path. Couldn't see the legs clearly but both handsome enough to be Wycliffe. 16:30. Simon Ramm...

- Otmoor 16th May
Glossy Ibis again on the Oddington Flood Field at 15:15   (per Graham Coleman) Also, Little Egret Wood Sandpiper Ruff in summer plumage Access off of Otmoor Lane from Oddington. ...

- Otmoor 15th May
Glossy Ibis courtesey of Nick Truby Glossy Ibis No sign of Ibis on the Closes at 1pm. Flew towards Oddington/flood field at 9.30am (per Justin Taylor) This morning on The Closes at 08:45 (per Paul Greenaway) 2 Turtle Dove: Along footpath very...

- Otmoor 8th Am
Hen Harrier Male far east side of Greenaways flushing all the duck, Lapwing and Golden Plover Kingfisher along ring ditch by feeders Stonechat by first screen 11 White-Fronted Geese with Graylags on Flood field, there was also a lot of duck on Flood field...

- Otmoor 1st December
Whooper Swan 2 (ad + juv) in field viewed from 2nd screen. Then flew and appeared to land past the Oddington Flood Field c11:20 (per the Roby's) No further sign of the Whoopers by 16:10 (per The Wickster) Hen Harrier (per Steve Roby) Peregrine 2...

