Otmoor 7th Nov 8 - 10:30am

3 Otters seen together from 1st hide
4 Bearded Tits in reeds
3 Green Sands
1 Peregrine having a go at the birds outside the hide
1 Stonechat along fence from hide
200 Lapwing
Otmoor 22nd January
Snipe c8 Reed Buntings 85+ Linnets 30+ Stonechat m Bearded Tits 3 - originally seen by Robert Widdows in small reed bed in corner by bridge to wetlands hide, then later by me across the path in the reed bed on the way to the first screen. (Clackers) Otmoor:...
Otmoor: 10th September
3 Whinchat: On fence posts, Ashgrave. 4 Wheatear: On bushes just past hide Big Otmoor. Kingfisher: Along stream past hide Big Otmoor. Treecreeper: On Oak tree Greenaways (c) Derek Woodard. Redstart: male. Long meadow. Hobby: Big Otmoor. Peter Coombes...
Otmoor 15th November
Short-eared Owl 5 (together over The Closes.Singles seen over Ashgrave and Car park field so possibly 7 birds) (per Nick Suckling) Hen Harrier 2 (both Ringtails) A pair of Ringtails seen in front of second screen and then over reedbed and boundary hedge...
Otmoor 1st November
Waders and wildfowl numbers are slowly building up. In front of the hide this morning were: Lapwing 120 Golden Plover 84 Wigeon 120 Teal 110 Little Grebe 1 Also on the reserve: Peregrine 1 Raven 1 Stonechat 1 We have had no reports of the bearded tits...
Otmoor 26th October
The Bearded Tits were still present yesterday, though only heard calling from the centre of the reedbed by Gareth Luscombe and our Tuesday volunteer team. Also on the reserve are: 150 Wigeon - hide 200 Lapwing - hide 1 Green Sandpiper - Greenaways 200+...