Otmoor 5th Sept mid morning

1 Spotted Fly long Meadow,
1 Spotted Fly Car Park field a.m,
Little Owl in Carpark field a.m,
Whinchat R.S.P.B,
Wheatear R.S.P.B,
1 Gropper juv,
12 Yellow Wagtails in cattle field opposite new hide (per R.B.A) 15.21p.m.
Spotted Redshank 1st screen.
Grimsbury Reservoir: 23rd August
Little Gull, juvenile mid afternoon 2 Spotted Flycatchers, large hedge through cattle field Upper Cherwell Valley Willow Tit, along the river between the wood and the M40 2 Whinchat, Borrow Pit pool Wheatear 5+ Yellow Wagtails Grimsbury Birds...
Grimsbury Reservoir: 2nd September
Grimsbury Reservoir Wheatear: fem/imm. Spotted Flycatcher: In large hedge through cattle field. 5 Yellow Wagtail: 3 with cattle and 2 over south. 3 Meadow Pipit: 3 over south. Black-headed Gull: One bird ringed in Denmark. A white ring on right leg...
Otmoor 20th April
2 Lesser Whitethroat Malt Pit 1 Garganey Ashgrave (JH) Good numbers of: Sedge warbler Blackcap, Willow warbler Chiffchaff Wheatear First lapwings have hatched. David Wilding 2 Reed Warbler by vols hut along bridleway 2 Grasshopper Warbler in the Car Park...
Otmoor: 13th April
Otmoor Cuckoo: On oak tree behind car park field 9.30 am. Swallow 2 Jay Sedge Warbler: singing by first screen. 6 Wheatear: One on post by hide and five more in front of hide. Green Sandpiper: From first screen. 5 Snipe: drumming over greenaways. Golden...
Otmoor 5.50 - 6.50am 9th April
Gropper 1 Car Park Field Whitethroat 1 Car Park Field Reed Warbler 2 Bridleway 3+ Sedge Warbler 2 Yellow Wagtail 3 Garganey (2dks) 2 Little Egret Willow Warblers Blackcaps Chiff-chaffs Snipe c5 Golden Plover Dunlin (per Badger) Complete weekend round...