Otmoor 5th August
Marsh Harrier 2
Green Sandpiper
Cuckoo 2
(per Phil Barnett) 18:10

Snipe from the 1st screen courtesey of Stephen Collier
Otmoor 1st August
Marsh Harrier 2 Bittern Garganey (1st screen) Hobby Wigeon Green Sandpiper Snipe c15 Water Rail 1+ Yellow Wagtail 3 (over) Starling c2000 Kingfisher m (per Paul Greenaway ,Rog & Sue, Phil Barnett,Graham & Badger)...
Otmoor 31st July
Bittern (reported this morning) Marsh Harrier Garganey on spit from 1st screen Green Sandpiper (per Phil Barnett) 16:18...
Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 21st July
Marsh Harrier courtesey of Stephen Collier Glossy Ibis: 1st Screen-far spit. Marsh Harrier: Female. Greenshank: Big Otmoor. 3 Green Sandpiper: !st Screen and then Big Otmoor Stephen Lockey...
Otmoor 19th July
Bittern Otmoor 18/7 courtesey of H.Cadman Glossy Ibis came in to roost along the spit viewed from the 1st screen c20:45 Bittern showing well from the 1st screen 20:20 Little Egret 17 in roost from 1st screen Barn Owl (per Steve Roby) Seen from the bridleway...
Otmoor 1st June
Glossy Ibis still this morning Marsh Harrier (Stephen Collier) Turtle Dove 2+ Hobby 2+ Cuckoo 3 Glossy Ibis & Marsh Harrier pictures courtesey of Stephen Collier. Full weekend round-up tomorrow on Otmoor Birding...