Otmoor 4th June

Otmoor 4th June

Turtle Dove

(per Terry Tossel)

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

- Otmoor 11th August.
P.M (per Terry Tossel) Turtle Dove 2 Water Rail 2 Little Egret 5 Hobby 3 Snow Goose 2 (ferel) A.M (per Stoneshank) 1+ Marsh Harrier 1 Sparrowhawk 5 Snipe 1 Green Sandpiper 1+ Bittern 1 Kingfisher 1 Cettis Warbler 120+ Mallard....

- Otmoor: 7th July
Turtle dove purring on the north side of Ashgrave. 12 Little Egrets on Big Otmoor and Ashgrave. Marsh Harrier 2 (1 over Ashgrave) 1 Hobby Water Rail (h) Kingfisher on southern reedbed. Grasshopper Warbler (h) Lesser Whitethroat 1 Spotted Flycatcher News...

- Otmoor 17th July
Quail Water Rail Turtle Dove 2 Redshank 4 G.B.B.Gull 4 (per Mark Merritt) Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android ...

- Otmoor 20th June
Quail calling from Greenaways this evening Turtle Dove 2 Cuckoo Yellow Wagtail Lesser Whitethoat Snipe 5 (per Steve & Pete Roby Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android ...

- Otmoor 18th May
  Whimbrel Hobby Turtle Dove (per Andy Last) Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android photo (c) Andy Last...

