Otmoor 30th June

Otmoor 30th June

Turtle Dove 4+
Hobby  (also 1 over fields just north of Barton)
Curlew 5
Grasshopper Warbler
Lesser Whitethroat
No sign of yesterdays Knot

- Otmoor Rspb 18th July
Grasshopper Warbler 2 A juvenile in a roving post breeding flock in the hedge by the path to the first screen A male reeling at The Pill Lesser Whitethroat 6+ Turtle Dove 1m...

- Otmoor: 7th July
Turtle dove purring on the north side of Ashgrave. 12 Little Egrets on Big Otmoor and Ashgrave. Marsh Harrier 2 (1 over Ashgrave) 1 Hobby Water Rail (h) Kingfisher on southern reedbed. Grasshopper Warbler (h) Lesser Whitethroat 1 Spotted Flycatcher News...

- Otmoor 7th June
Marsh Harrier 2 Hobby 3+ Ringed Plover (Big Otmoor) Curlew 2 Common Tern Cuckoo c3 Turtle Dove 2+ Garden Warbler 3+ Lesser Whitethroat 3 Barnacle Goose (feral) (Big Otmoor) Ross's Goose (feral) Bar-headed Goose 2 (feral) (Otmoor massive) Full weekend...

- Otmoor 19th May
Hobby 12 reported at midday Turtle Dove 2 Grasshopper Warbler 1+ cp/field Lesser Whitethroat Full weekend round up on Otmoor Birding...

- Abingdon: Wood Warbler
Ben Carpenter has found a Wood Warbler in Barton Fields, Abingdon by the Thames (between Barton Lane and the river) at 7am. "It was just a bit beyond Barton Fields along the Thames Path to the east; at grid reference SU51299704 (at the end of the long...

