Otmoor 27th November
Starlings on Otmoor courtesy of Paul Tomlinson
A large number of Starling in the roost but no display (Tezzer)

1 Grey Wagtail
2 Marsh Harrier
1 Sparrowhawk
4 Stonechat
2 Raven
4 Bullfinch.
1 Brambling
Goldcrest 6
Lots of Fieldfare.
(per Paul Greenaway, Tezzer & Ron Louch)Goldcrest photos courtesy of Tezzer
Goldcrests. Very active this afternoon. |
Otmoor 27th October
Great-grey Shrike courtesy of TezzerGreat-grey Shrike in Julys Meadow 13:50 but no further sign 15:00-dusk (per Terry Sherlock) Digiscoped shot of the Great grey shrike in Julys Meadow today courtesy of the RSPB ...
Otmoor 8th August
Marsh Harrier 4 (2 juv) Green Sandpiper 4 1st screen Spotted Flycatcher 4 Wheatear on Ashgrave (per Tezzer & Mark Chivers) Reed Bunting on Otmoor courtesy of Paul Tomlinson ...
Otmoor 5th July
Cranes on Otmoor please view at 720p. Quail (m) heard only on Hundred Acre 08:45 Crane 2 Black-tailed Godwit 8 1st scn evening (per Tezzer) Marsh Harrier Hobby 2 Turtle Dove 2 Stock Dove 2 Grasshopper Warbler 2 Cetti's Warbler Yellow Wagtail (per...
Otmoor.a.m. 30th January.
Marsh Tit this afternoon Morleys. (car parking area) courtesy of Tezzer. Peregrine 3 White-fronted Goose (Paul Boult) 125+ Linnet (path by hide) 1 Sparrowhawk (path by hide) 1 Marsh Tit (car park) 1 Merlin (Otmoor Lane)....
Otmoor.a.m. 4th August.
2 Marsh Harrier. 1 Hobby (reported) 1 Bittern (flying over Reedbeds). 2 Garganey 4 Water Rail 2 Green Sandpiper. 2 Common Sandpiper 1 Greenshank 60+ Snipe (per J.R.). 1 Cuckoo (juv calling for food) 1 Redstart (F). Wheatear (f) Noke Farm Yellow Wagtail...