Otmoor 25th October

Otmoor 25th October

2-3 Bearded Tits in the southern end of the main reed bed this afternoon.
possibly best looked for from the 1st screen.
(per Pete Barker).

- Otmoor 22nd January
Snipe c8 Reed Buntings 85+ Linnets 30+ Stonechat m Bearded Tits 3 - originally seen by Robert Widdows in small reed bed in corner by bridge to wetlands hide, then later by me across the path in the reed bed on the way to the first screen. (Clackers) Otmoor:...

- Otmoor Redstarts 3rd July
Two of the eight Redstarts seen in Long Meadow Otmoor on Sunday. photos (c) Pete Barker. 'They seemed to be in two distinct groups with a very smart male and two juveniles at the western end of the field and another party of three juveniles and two...

- Otmoor 27th Nov
7 Bearded Tits 1 Merlin 1 Peregrine 2 Raven Redpoll (per Pete Barker) Indepth weekend round up at http://www.surfbirds.com/blog/OtmoorBirding...

- Otmoor 20th November
brief otter view 7 bearded tits (per Pete Barker) Complete weekend wildlife round up and photo's from the Moor... http://www.surfbirds.com/blog/OtmoorBirding...

- Otmoor Saturday 30th October: Beardies Still
At least 5 bearded tits still in the main reedbed by the first screen at Otmoor this morning Possibly up to 7 (per Badger) ...

